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Lighting Upgrades

Upgrades reduce operating costs and we can help reduce the cost of the upgrades! 










If you're upgrading commercial lighting, we can help you significantly reduce the cost of the upgrade!

We do this by helping you access the financial incentives offered by the NSW Energy Savings Scheme (NSW ESS).


How Does It Work?

Give us a few details about your project and we'll assess whether it's eligible.  If so, we give you a quote on the returns it can create with the NSW ESS.  â€‹â€‹If it goes ahead, we work with the installer and the business to collect the evidence, then have your project submitted to the NSW ESS.​  


When the upgrade is finished, the scheme creates tradeable Energy Savings Certificates (ESC) for each MWh an energy efficient upgrade project saves.  The business transfers the certificates (ESC) to us and we pay out the quoted value for the certificates.


We'll find a solution that's right for your business. 

We know that every business and every project is different.  We're extremely flexible so we can work with you in a way that suits both your business and the project but whatever you decide, we'll guide and support you ever step of the way.


If needed, we can help if you need to choose a product or find an installer.  But if you're already set, we'll just collect the paperwork and evidence for the scheme and take care of all the hard bits like floor plans and recycling.


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